Mar 28, 2019
Today on the show we are joined by Rob Carrick from The Globe and Mail! Rob has been writing about money and investing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of expertise and insight to share on everything from mutual funds to ETFs. In our discussion we cover common questions that Rob encounters, how his views have...
Mar 21, 2019
Investing with ETFs White Paper
Today on the show we are taking about the influence of feelings in
the decision making process. As investors and as humans in general,
we tend towards making decisions based on feelings over rational
and well-balanced data collection, that is just part of how we are
wired. Here at...
Mar 14, 2019
Welcome to Episode 37 of the Rational Reminder Podcast. On today’s show we are joined by Lindsay Plumb, Chief Coach-ess of MOOLA Financial Coaches and Advisors. We’re discussing spending and budgeting, because that’s kind of the opposite end of the spectrum of what we always talk about. We usually assume people...
Mar 7, 2019
Welcome to Episode 36 of the Rational Reminder Podcast. Today we are going to roll out our new ETF model portfolios. This includes only two new ETF’s compared to a couch potato type portfolio that many of you might be familiar with. Nothing too revolutionary, but it certainly makes a meaningful difference. In this...